Interpolation is nothing more than interpreting the MAF signal to know what part of the table to use by determining where the voltage input falls on the table. Using the same examples, 2, 2.08, there is no in between. So the process of using interpolation is nothing more than the equivalent of rounding a number off that's a value between two numbers and determining if that number (the input signal) is above or below the half way point of those two table locations (voltages). So between 2 and 2.08 you have a difference of .07 volts. That's .035 volts either side of midpoint between those two numbers. So any MAF voltage of 2 to 2.03 is going to put you on the table of 2, and any voltage of 2.04 to 2.08 is going to put you on the table of 2.08 after interpolation. Nissan Data Voice - The first Nissan diagnostic software with a voice!
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